The logo of AUTECH GROUP represents our brand.
It specifically shows what our brand are looking for.
The logo of AUTECH GROUP is a visual element which represents the company and thereby can’t be modified discretionally.
Therefore the right version of logo which has a proper design shall be applied.
Also, the given standard, form and color of logo shall not be modified.
Protection : The shield has a meaning of protection given to AUTECH GROUP, sustainable for more than 100 years,
and it shows the nature of brand, which aims to protect human beings along with the company itself.
Glory : The dignity and decency of AUTECH GROUP is expressed in the CI.
The signature system has combined an AUTECH symbol mark with its logotype at a harmonious rate.
The logo of AUTECH GROUP is composed of a word mark and the symbol.
The vertical combination type is recommended to be used.
The logo of AUTECH GROUP was designed according to the set standard, and thereby it is visually the most stable logo.
The minimum size for vertical combination type of logo is 20mm.
The logo shall be used having set minimum spaces beside, above and below.
To maintain a sustained identity of brand, prescribed colors shall be first used.
Such prescribed colors shall be uniformly applied in online and offline media,
so that the identity of brand can be sustained.
Enthusiasm, Distinctiveness, Making the Leap, Progressive Spirit, Energy